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Computer door opener

Any unpleasant turnstile at the entrance. Many gyms think it as a barrier between the honest customers and the direction of the club they belong to. In addition, the turnstiles cost thousands of euro because in pure steel, go equipped with a card reader that costs hundreds of euro, needs to be done several masonry jobs at the gym: unpleasant, invasive and expensive than ever before!

Here instead our handy computer to install on a glass door from the inside to protect it from the elements, which simply checks the validity of subscription and check if the time is compatible with the hours assigned! If everything is ok opens the door giving consent to the electric lock, otherwise suggests to ring the bell ...
As previously explained, the computer also manages prepaid entries or limited weekly / monthly free entries!

All solutions for gyms provide an avid check of the subscription validity and that the PC is turned on and connected to the turnstile, so you have to be in the gym and in front of the computer while the customers coming in and out .. Do not save any work!
The door opener computer from me expressly designed, all with exceptional Italian and American electronics, instead occurs independently contracts and subscriptions of customers, does not require that the Windows PC is on and does not require you to be at your desk while customers come in and out ... in many gyms direction with this computer is only intermittently at the gym and when it is in the gym can follow the customers instead of having to stay glued to the computer to verify that clients are all in order!
Look at that electronic technology this portentous computer has that verifies the exlucive cards that you sell to your customers:

This item is currently out of stock.

Price Euro 1000.

Next batch will arrive as soon as 10 orders.

If you are interested please write to orders@gymsystem.net and you will be contacted back soon when availability will be!

Computer product from Fet Elettronica (FI) - http://www.fet.it
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